Monday 23 November 2015

坐月餐 Chinese Confinement Recipes - #10 Herbal Chicken Soup (2) (药材鸡汤) Suitable for Children too

坐月餐 Chinese Confinement Recipes - #10 Herbal Chicken Soup (2) (药材鸡汤) 


- 1 Kampung Chicken (Chop into piece)
- 60g Yu Zhu (玉竹) 
- 12g Bei Qi (北芪 )
- 6 piece Dang Shen (当参) 
- 6 piece Huai San (淮山)
- 30g Wolfberries (枸杞子)
- 12g cordyceps (虫草)
- 15 pieces Red dates (红枣)
- 3 liter water
- Salt to taste (Optional)


1) Boil water in slow cooker and put all the herb in

2) Blench the Kampung chicken and put in the water

3) Slow cook for at lease 3 hours or more 

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